Enjoy the traditional trick-or-treat experience at the Ghosts of Millard’s crossing event.
DATE: October 31, 2014
TIME: 6-8 p.m.
COST: $5 for adults and $3 for children.
This event is intended for children ages 12 and younger.
Activities include face painting, cupcake walk, hay ride, train ride, music and so much more!
The Ghosts of Millard’s Crossing event is a great way to step back in time and remember the concept of a neighborhood, where children could play on their own safely, because all the adults were keeping an eye out for everyone. At this event, the feeling is much the same, as children & their families can stroll at their own pace throughout the village, stopping off at each house one by one, to hear a “ghost” tell a short story or part of history from their life.
The “ghosts” are simply regular people with white face paint and they are not scary to most children.
The headless horseman comes racing through the town on his horse about every 20 minutes and that can indeed be quite thrilling but perhaps could be a bit alarming to little ones, so be prepared for this, just in case.
At each house or other building, there is candy available, and young children will have a traditional and exciting trick-or-treat night.
This is a really great event and if you have not attended in the past, give it a try.
Highly recommended!
(And, it sure beats the heck out of driving all over town to trick-or-treat at houses where you know people.)