12 x 12 Art Show

Where’s the best 12 x 12 square in Nacogdoches? Come find out at the annual “12 x 12” art show and fundraiser for the Stephen F. Austin State University Art Department. This is a fun fundraisers and is one of the best events all year, so don’t miss out. If you have never attended before, why not give it a try this year?

Artists from Nacogdoches and other areas in east Texas have been working all spring to create special pieces of art . . . with the constraint that they must fit on the 12 x 12 piece of wood that is provided. This gives the artists just enough structure to be successful but still leaves them plenty of room to be creative and the results are always interesting and clever, ranging from simple photographs or drawings to elaborate sculptures, mysteries and all sorts of other media.

On July 19th, there will be an “end of show” special event, with refreshments, auction and raffle. This is a fun time and makes for a really great date night for adventuresome folks who are tired of the same old “dinner and movie” every time.

Here’s how it works:

Until the 19th, you can visit the Cole Art Center in downtown Nacogdoches to view all the artwork and place your silent auction bid. Keep in mind that the artists have been asked to NOT sign their name on the front of their piece, so it’s a mystery who made which one.

Then, on July 19th, every one comes to the gallery and pieces that have not sold at silent auction are available for $100 each for a few minutes at the beginning of the evening. Don’t be late, if you want to get a piece for the $100, because they will go quickly.

During the last hour, the best part begins, with a raffle to give away all the remaining items that have not been sold yet. Raffle tickets will be sold for $5 each or $20 for five tickets. Any work that remains unsold later in the evening will be raffled off.

Bruce Partain (Nac County Chamber of Commerce President) will serve as the master of ceremonies during the raffle. You’ll want to be aware that you do not get to pick out which artwork you want to win. They start at one end of the room and work around, one by one, and if your number is called, that’s the piece you get. However, it’s quite acceptable to offer to trade with someone, or even to give away your winning item to a friend or anyone else who wants it more than you do, and these types of negotiations and trades are part of the fun, so don’t be shy.

This can be a free event for you, as there is not an admission fee, refreshments are included, and you are not required to purchase any artwork. However, why not bring at least $5.00? It’s for a good cause (scholarships for art) and you can get at least one raffle ticket . . . . you only need one to win, as long as you get the right one!

All in all, the “12 x 12 Show” is a wonderful time!

As a special highlight this year, the last artwork created by the late Gary Frields, former professor of art at SFA, will be featured in a special auction.

For more info, please call The Cole Art Center at 936-568-6557.